Preview (partial song; no chords displayed)
C=the chord Bes at the 3th position
C As Des Es
There will be mountains that I will have to climb
C As Des Es
And there will be battles that I will have to fight
Des es Des As
Victory or defeat, it's up to me to decide
Des As Des Es
But how can I expect to win if I've never tried?
C Des Gism
I just can't give up now
Des Gism C As
I've come too far from where I started from
Des Gism Des Gism
Nobody told me the road would be easy
Des Gism
and I don't believe He's brought me this far
Des Gism
to leave me
C As
Never said there wouldn't be trials
Des Es
Never said I wouldn't fall
C As
Never said that everything would go
Des Es
The way I want it to go
Des Es
But when my back is against the wall
Des As
And I feel like all hope is gone
Des As
I'll just lift my head up to the sky
Des Es
And say help me to be strong
Des Gism
I know You didn't bring me
Fis Gism
Out here to leave me lonely
E Gism
Even when I can't see clearly
Des Es
I know that You are with me
(So I can't..Chorus)
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