Preview (partial song; no chords displayed)
I adore You tiny baby, I adore You blessed Son
I adore You Lord and Father, I adore You holy One
You are my hope, You are my life, You are my ev'rything
You are my peace, my All in all, my Saviour and my King
You make me want to sing
(Chorus 1)
For You a - lone are worthy
For You a - lone are worthy
For You alone are wor - thy Christ, the Lord
We give You all the glory
We give You all the glory
We give You all the glo - ry Christ, the Lord
I adore You tiny baby, I adore You blessed Son
I adore You Lord and Father, I adore You holy One
I adore You holy One
- ©2004 Integrity's Hosanna! Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing (IMI))
- Pam Andrews
- 4354297
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