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Porch and Altar
Don't Pass Us By
Charlie Hall
Porch and Altar
  1. A
  2. Bb
  3. B
  4. C
  5. Db
  6. D
  7. Eb
  8. E
  9. F
  10. F#
  11. G
  12. Ab

Preview (partial song; no chords displayed)

And the Lord said If my people who are called by my name
Humble themselves and pray and turn away from their wicked ways
I will come and heal their land If my people pray
If my pe - ople would pray
Broken hearts would be healed empty souls would be filled
Oh the blind man can see the lame ones could wald the people would be free
Oh the passion restored Alive to Jesus and dead to this world
Lord lift up our eyes Holy Spirit come And Lord don't pass us by
Don't pass us by
And the Lord said Climb the mountain child seek my face with your heart
Ooh weep and cry to be set apart I'll pour my spirit raining down
Breaking hearts that are hard and bound If my people who know my ways
Would fall to their face and pray
Heal the sick feed the poor clothe the naked see the wicked be saved
When you pray if we'd pray
  • ©1994 Generation Music
  • Charlie Hall
printed from https://www.1christian.net/rwtc


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      Song Preview
      This is a song preview. It is only a portion of the song and chords have been removed. Log in or join RWTC to view the full song, add it to your song book, and share it to your team.