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Balloon Ride
Relient K
Relient K

Preview (partial song; no chords displayed)

Ballon ride
Relient K
G Bb D#
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3 5 5 5 5 5 x 3 5 5 5 5 x 5 7 7 7 7
G-Bb-Bb-D# x2
G Bb Bb D#
There were times in my life when i was confused
Play that form until you get to the chorus.
Then it goes like this .
Bb G
Until I went on to that faithful trip
Bb G
I thought that i was on a sinking ship
Bb G
Until I went on to that faithful trip
Bb D#
I thought that i was on a sinking ship
G D# Bb Silent
Until I went on a ballon ride. I can see every thing from up here.
G D# Bb D#
I went on a ballon ride, and now every thing seems clear.
I strive towards enfinity ........
G Bb Bb
Well on my way through this life and something was done
And stay like that .Until you get to the chorus.
And play the chorus till the end.
printed from https://www.1christian.net/rwtc


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      Song Preview
      This is a song preview. It is only a portion of the song and chords have been removed. Log in or join RWTC to view the full song, add it to your song book, and share it to your team.