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by: Petra
album: Beyond belief
written by: Bob Hartman
from: joel@netflash.com.br

(Petra-beyond belief)
A G G/B Bm G
Love is patient, love is kind, no eyes of envy, true love is blind.
A G G/B Bm G A
Love is humble, it knows no pride, no selfish motive hidden inside.
G G/B Bm G
Love is gentle, makes no demands, despist all wrong, true love still stands.
A G G/B Bm G A
Love is holy, love is pure, it last forever, it will endure.

G D/F# D G D Em D/F# G Em A7
Love knows when to let go... Love knows when to say no...
G A Bm A G C
Love grows in the like of the Son
Am Bm C D7 G(E)
and love shows the world that the Son of love has come.
A G G/B Bm G
Love is loyal, believes the best, it loves the truth, love stands the test.
A G G/B Bm G A
Love is God sent is His Son, love forgives all we have done.

Repeat Chorus.
C#m B F#m A C#m C
In this world where hatred seems to grow, true love goes against the flow
and comes so hard to show.
C#m B F#m A C#m F#m B7
In this where push turns into shove we have strength to rise abobe
D G# F#m
A B7
through the power of His love, Lord, we need to know the power of Your love.

A E/G# E A E F#m E A F#m B7
Love knows when to let go... Love knows when to say no...
A B7 C#m B7 A D
Love grows in the like of the Son
Bm C#m D E A(F#)
and love shows the world that the Son of love has come.
printed from https://www.1christian.net/rwtc


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