A Week Away

Awesome GodRich MullinsWinds Of Heaven, Stuff Of Earth
Best Thing EverKevin Quinn, Bailee Madison, Jahbil Cook, Kat Conner Sterling and Iain TuckerA Week Away
Let's Go Make A MemoryKevin Quinn, Bailee Madison, Jahbril Cook, Kat Conner Sterling, Iain TuckerA Week Away
Play Set
Create Set List
    click to add setlist name
    created on
    used on


      The set list feature is designed for you to be able to create sets of songs.

      1. Click Create Set List
      2. Add a song by click Add To

      1. When on any page with a list of songs, you can drag-n-drop a song into your list.
      2. When on any song page, click the "Add To Set List" button

      1. Share your set list with others
      2. Use it to display songs while practicing/performing
      3. Use to track your sets

      1. Change the order of the songs by simply dragging to the desired location
      2. Change/save the default song key for each song